Transportable gas cylinders - specification for welded pressure drums up to 1000 litre capacity for the transport of gases - design and construction 可移动式储气瓶.气体运输用容量最高达1000升的焊接的压力桶规范.设计和建造
Transportable gas cylinders - specification for welded pressure drums up to 1000 litre capacity for the transport of gases - design and construction 可移动式储气瓶.气体运输用容量最高达1000升的焊接的压力筒规范.设计和建造
Transportable gas cylinders - specification for welded pressure drums up to 1000 litre capacity for the transport of gases - design and construction ; german version en 14208 : 2004 可运输气瓶.气体运输用容量在1000升及以下的焊接压力